Parent Expectations


At Growing Light Academy we want to encourage and empower parents to take back their rightful place as the primary educators of their children. Christian education is more than just academics. We want to walk alongside parents to help instill a moral and ethical high ground for our students. As parents, we want this ministry to create a temporary “greenhouse” for our children to help them grow in a protected environment; equipping them with the tools needed to face the realities of this world and the ability to stand their ground with confidence.

Parent Communication & Involvement


We at Growing Light Academy practice open and honest communication, we expect a high level of Parent volunteers, Parent-led committees, and provide opportunities for parents to share their life experiences with students via chapel and class presentations. We encourage parents to volunteer and give of their time.

How to Enroll


We will be holding open houses, please attend or schedule time to chat with staff, then fill out an application. For schedule, click here.